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Tremolite Titanite Prehnite Albite & Pyrite

Views: 11
Watches: 2

Description Tabs

Serrano's Hill, Lebrija, Seville, Andalusia, Spain
Crystal Group/Cluster
Size Range: 
Small cabinet (7-10 cm)
6.4 × 9.6 × 5.2 cm

Beautiful specimen from Cerro de Serrano in which we see an aggregate of white acicular tremilite crystals in the cavity of the matrix, with acicular morphology in the form of fine hairs, we also see yellow titanite crystals among the entire matrix, and prehnite and albite crystals, in addition to a pyrite formation in the specimen. A beautiful piece from an Ofita quarry located in the municipality of Lebrija (Seville, Spain).

Current price

11 ($11.85)

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11 ($11.85)
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Start 17 Mar 18:00
End 23 Mar 2025 22:00
No. of bids 1 view history
Highest Bidder Private 1

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- Every mineral will be nicely packed and labelled.

- Multiple purchases will have discount on shippings if it is possible due to the weight of the pieces.

- Colour may vary due to the camera sensor.


Bid History

11:22:24 - 23/03/2025$12Private 1

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