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Wulfenite On Fluorite


Description Tabs

Doña Ana County, New Mexico, United States of America
Size Range: 
Miniature (4.5-7 cm)
5 × 5.5 × 2.5 cm
Largest Crystal: 

Interesting specimen of barite and limestone matrix with fluorite and wulfenite. The fluorite is clear to light purple and is mostly coated with red hematite staining. The wulfenite is yellow and up to 1 mm in size. They are well formed with thick tabular shapes. The first 2 photos have been color adjusted and show wulfenite crystals, some embedded in a blob of clear calcite. The 3rd and 4th photos show the actual colors. The last photos, under uv long-wave light, reveal a small bit of chalcedony that fluoresces blue and the fluorite fluoresces purple. A few more wulfenite crystals are scattered in pockets around the piece. Larger images at www.mineralbrothers.com/index.php/?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=52

Mineral Brothers

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Seller's terms and conditions

We try to always have larger pictures of our auction items on our webpage, so be sure to check www.mineralbrothers.com for better images. Shipping rates are stated for each auction item. We ship by US First Class mail. It is the cheapest and usually as fast as priority mail. If you want us to use priority mail please notify us immediately after the auction. Insurance on international shipping is only available for priority mail and is very expensive. We only offer insurance on items or orders over $100 USD. Please notify us ASAP if you want insurance or priority mail. We try to offer discounted shipping rates if you buy more than one item, but it is not always possible on large heavier items. Buyers in New Mexico will be charged the standard state sales tax on all orders, no exceptions.