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Manganoneptunite Catapleiite & Sérandite

Views: 81
Watches: 4

Description Tabs

Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada
Crystal Group/Cluster
Size Range: 
Thumbnail (1-3cm)
2.5 × 2 × 1.8 cm

Rich specimen of gemmy manganoneptunite and fluorescent catapleiite crystals pseudomorph/epimorph after eudyalite, and serandite.  Collected by Gilles Haineault in 2003.  Ex-Gilles Haineault collection specimen.

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Start 09 Mar 18:00
End 16 Mar 2025 23:20
No. of bids 23 view history
Highest Bidder Jonathanneron.gaga@gmail.com

Shipping Information

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Rest of World

Seller Information

Payment options: offline, paypal_wpp, paypal_wps

Seller's terms and conditions

Collection Arkane accept payments by Paypal and direct email messages.

Bid History

23:04:51 - 16/03/2025$98Jonathanneron.gaga@gmail.com
21:44:57 - 16/03/2025$96Private 1
21:44:57 - 16/03/2025$94Private 1
21:14:16 - 16/03/2025$90Private 0
21:14:16 - 16/03/2025$87Private 0
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$83Private 1
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$79Private 1
19:33:53 - 16/03/2025$75Private -1
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$63Private 1
18:55:47 - 16/03/2025$60Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$57Private 1
18:55:27 - 16/03/2025$54Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$51Private 1
18:55:23 - 16/03/2025$49Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$47Private 1
18:55:18 - 16/03/2025$45Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$43Private 1
18:55:14 - 16/03/2025$41Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$39Private 1
18:55:09 - 16/03/2025$37Private -2
04:54:02 - 11/03/2025$35Private 1
00:30:12 - 11/03/2025$33buriedtreasure
00:30:12 - 11/03/2025$30buriedtreasure

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