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Pyrite Hematite Galena Quartz Sphalerite

Views: 40
Watches: 4

Description Tabs

Deveti Septemvri Mine, Smolyan Oblast, Bulgaria
Crystals on Matrix
Size Range: 
Small cabinet (7-10 cm)
4.4 × 8.7 × 4.7 cm

A superb specimen of pyrite with hematite coating, galena, quartz and sphalerite from 9th Septemvri mine, Madan ore field, Bulgaria. Very attractive arrangement of one pyrite crystal sitting at the top of spiky quartz cluster. It is colored in brown-red due to hematite coating. The galena cubes are lustrous, shiny and sharp. Sharp, chunky and transparent quartz crystals form the base. Black sphalerite and other pyrite crystals are seen too. Some small damages.



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Start 13 Mar 18:00
End 20 Mar 2025 23:40
No. of bids 3 view history
Highest Bidder Private 2

Shipping Information

Postage Area Price
United States up to 0.900 kg
China via UPS to 0.450 kg
Worldwide up to 0.500 kg

Bid History

23:28:55 - 20/03/2025$37Private 2
22:44:01 - 13/03/2025$35Private 1
22:43:48 - 13/03/2025$30Private 1

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