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Native Copper & Cuprite With Prehnite & Chrysocolla

Views: 34
Watches: 1

Description Tabs

Reichenbach, Baumholder, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Size Range: 
Cabinet (10-18 cm)
12 × 11 × 3 cm

Cut and polisdhed half nodule with glossy copper red copper (of course), a bit darker, more grayish cuprite (maybe algodonite?), yellow-green prehnite and bluish green chrysocolla.

The back is raw.

One of the best specimens Dieter found in 2024/2025.

The copper is very glossy, which the pictures cannot show. In the darker parts of the copper a replacement by cuprite is in progress (pseudomorph).

Much better in nature.

Current price

150 ($162.29)

Starting price

150 ($162.29)
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Start 17 Mar 18:00
End 24 Mar 2025 22:50
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Inland Germany 7.00
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NON-EU 21.00

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Rockhunter does not sell by size or weight. Sizes and weights given are just for the basic orientation of the buyer and shipment planning and might not be exact, even though we're always trying to be as exact as possible.

Photos might show the item in an enlarged or reduced dimension. Please refer to the given sizes. Please note that all photos have been adjusted – e.g., trimmed to show a certain aspect/a detail, colours adjusted, contrasts highlighted etc. to give the customer an optimal impression, while we try to stay as close to the natural appearance as possible. If it shows that photos cannot depict the natural appearance correctly we will usually mention this (e.g., all Dioptase photos will never show the rich colour and lustre of the mineral). However, the colours on other photos might be a little off too. Also, computer screens might show colours differently.

We assume that the buyer has a basic knowledge of minerals and, on the one hand, has informed himself about possible toxicity and is aware of dangers in handling them. On the other hand, he must also have informed himself about how certain minerals are to be handled and stored – e.g., about resistance to cleaning agents and solvents, sensitivity to light and the like. Rockhunter accepts no liability whatsoever for injuries, health consequences and incorrect treatment of any kind.

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