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Garnet Var Grossular

Views: 61
Watches: 5

Description Tabs

Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Estrie, Québec, Canada
Single Crystal
Size Range: 
Micromount (under 1cm)
0.6 × 0.6 × 0.5 cm

Cool orange colored grossular garnet crystal of 6mm from the famous Jeffrey mine, Quebec, Canada. It is transparent, gem quality with a glassy luster and pleasing color. It is very clear with a sharp habit. It is fluorescent in a bright pink. For references see the 2013 issue of The Mineralogical Record vol. 44, # 4. In very excellent condition In a plastic box.

Marvelous gem!


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Start 20 Mar 18:00
End 27 Mar 2025 22:50
No. of bids 1 view history
Highest Bidder Private 1

Shipping Information

Postage Area Price
United States up to 0.900 kg
China via UPS to 0.450 kg
Worldwide up to 0.500 kg

Bid History

06:57:21 - 26/03/2025$15Private 1

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