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Selling on e-Rocks

Are you interested in joining the e-Rocks selling forum?

If you sell via an existing website, regularly via eBay, or you just have a few things, e-Rocks can help you.

Our site has a large loyal following around the World, with visitor ranking second to none in Global rankings for similar sites.

We provide fast purpose built tools for making your listings look professional - available to sell in auctions or fixed price pages, or your own Shop.

We want your listings to sell successfully - so in addition we provide you with marketing support on demand.

We have set up item specific selling categories and will provide an ongoing schedule of themed auctions.

We actively market all sales across the Net to boost your offerings, and can provide you with the tools to do this for yourself.

e-Rocks is good for people with:

  • own websites who want to increase sales.
  • eBay seller accounts as an alternative specifically designed for mineral collecting.
  • collections to disperse.
  • small quantities or odd items for sale as an alternative to eBay etc or their own website.
  • collection de-accessions to move on.
  • collections/items on consigment; by agreement we can take in your items and sell on your behalf.


How does it work?

  1. Register as a seller via the account you will be using (if you are registered login go to “My profile” – click apply to be a Seller, and add your “business” info)
  2. Make sure you add your Paypal email address so the invoicing system can send payments to Paypal for you.
  3. Once we have agreed, we will open your account. 
  4. Begin listing – there are lots of help pages for this in the Seller area, but photography is the most important!
  5. Sell on Auction/Seller Pages – by adding items and assigning them to the page you want (within the upload form) with your prices/reserves/currencies etc.
  6. Items go on Sale.
  7. On completion of sale, invoicing system delivers message to Buyer/Seller. You complete the invoice with postage etc, click send – delivered to Buyer
  8. Buyer clicks on invoice to pay with Paypal etc.
  9. Invoicing system tracks and lists all your orders, with status etc.
  10. When payment arrives you send item to buyer and update the order status.
  11. Once chargeable transaction is made – your Fees account is credited/debited – fully itemised and searchable by Auction or Item code etc.
  12. Fees are aggregated and invoiced at the beginning of each month – payment through the invoice like everything else
  13. If you are a regular seller or advertiser you can open your own Home Page and Shop with a Dealer Account
  14. You can find out more about selling, fees and sign up Here